Students' distinction at the 44th "Philon" competition
Student News

Students' distinction at the 44th "Philon" competition

In the 44th Competition "Philon" three violinists who study with our professor Nikos Mandylas were distinguished.
Ellen Niemer, a student in the B' Lower class of violin, won 1st Prize and a Gold Medal and Marianna Sambrovalaki, a student in the 1st Preliminary violin class, won 3rd Prize in the "Small talents" category, while Antonis Mandylas, in addition to 1st Prize in his category, was also honored with the SPECIAL AWARD of Outstanding Distinction, Interpretation & Artistic Performance "Mary - Kerani Sofianou", which is awarded to a participant from all age categories and all instruments.

Distinction also for Evangelos Fatsios, a student in the violin class of Nelly Economidou at the Melissia branch, who received a Second Commendation.

Distinctions for both piano students studying in Popi Malapani's class. Margarita Stavrou, a student at the Lower class of Piano, won the Third Prize and Madalena Flick, a student at the Middle class of Piano, won a Commendation.

Our warmest congratulations for all children's achievements. We wish them to continue their musical journey with the same creative eagerness. Their love for music will always accompany them.