Useful Information
Dear students, parents & guardians,
The information you will find in the Regulation brochure of Philippos Nakas Conservatory contributes to the harmonious cooperation of students with the administrative and educational staff.
The Artistic Directors of the Conservatory and its branches are interested in the proper implementation of the curriculum, the proper functioning of the classrooms and in each student individually.
Should any issues arise in connection with your studies, you can contact the Secretariat and request an appointment with the Artistic Director of your branch.
When registering, each student is provided by the Secretariat:
a) Regulation booklet
b) Registration Form with financial terms
c) Student card
d) Statement of information and consent for the processing of student's personal data
-Free Musical Instruments to Newly Enrolled Students
-Study scholarships for Berklee College of Music.
-Attending free or discounted seminars and master classes.
-Discounts on all products at Philippos Nakas & NakasPaper stores
-5% discount for first - second degree relatives or 5% discount for large families or
-5% discount on tuition fees for each additional special lesson the student attends.
Discounts by way of tuition fee payment:
-7% rebate upon registration for annual fee payment. The discount is valid for registrants up to November.
-3% discount on credit card repayments in 12 or less interest free monthly installments. The discount is valid for registrants up to November.
The Philippos Nakas Company processes the personal data of students of the Conservatory, as described in detail in the Conservatory Student Information and Consent Declaration for the processing of their Personal Data, which the students have obtained.
The purpose of Student Office is to inform students and their parents of all matters relating to studying at the Conservatory, for competitions, scholarships or study abroad.
Holiday days are those that apply to public schools in Greece, as well as any other designated as such by the Ministry of Culture. Indicative dates:
-October 28
-December 24 - January 6 (Christmas - New Year)
-January 30
-Ash Monday
-March 25
-May 1 - Labor day
-Holy Spirit Day.
The lesson is not replaced when it coincides with a public holiday.
The student must:
-Follow his lessons consistently. A student who is systematically absent will not be eligible to take the exams. If the student exceeds the 8 unjustified absences in a special or compulsory course, he shall be deprived of the right to take the diploma exams.
-Attend compulsory lessons and participate in musical ensembles defined by the special instrument - lesson. Attendance is a prerequisite for the student to score above.
Periods of study > 1st Semester: September 4 - February 15, 2nd Semester: February 15 - June 30. For advanced students, music ensemble registrations are made upon enrollment in the special course. Enrollments for new students can be made no later than November 1st for the 1st semester and no later than March 1st for the 2nd semester.
-Be informed about the examinations for special and compulsory courses.
-Take part in the annual promotional exams, regardless of field of study, class and level. The undergraduate student is also required to take the exams.
-Participate in student concerts, if proposed by his teacher.
-Take care of and respect the conservatory's venues and musical instruments. The founders have made great efforts to ensure the existing quality level in venues and musical instruments and students must maintain them.
-Notify the Secretariat of his absence. The Conservatory and the teachers will make their best to replace individual lessons missed due to the student's justified absences.
-Read the announcements that are on the special board, entrance and classrooms of the Conservatory.
-Attend concerts at the Conservatory. Attending music events is very important and helps gain experience and knowledge.
If a student wishes to discontinue his studies at the Conservatory before the end of the academic year, the cancellation shall be considered granted only after completion of the relevant form and after submission to the Conservatory Secretariat. Discontinuations are posted to the Student Registry on the last business day of each month and are effective from the following month. It is strictly forbidden for the student to take private lessons with conservatory teachers. The student participates in competitions, concerts and other events outside the Conservatory after approval by the Artistic Director. Entrance to the classroom is only permitted to pupils and teachers, except in the case of preschool music systems and special music education systems where the parent's presence is required. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the Conservatory.
The Registration Right confirms the applicant's intention to attend courses at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory and secures a place in the classroom. The registration fee is non-refundable, cannot replace tuition fees and is not transferable to another teaching period.
The fees are annual and are paid as follows:
a) One-time (cash or credit card on one charge) upon enrolling with a 7% discount.
b) By credit card in 12 or less monthly installments with a 3% discount.
The above discounts are valid for registrations up to November.
c) With monthly payment during the first five days of each month.
The fees can be paid
a) by Bank wire transfer into one of the following accounts held by Philippos Nakas SA:
ETHNIKI Account No: 151 / 47034720
IBAN: GR19 0110 1510 0000 1514 7034 720
ALPHA BANK Account No: 167 / 002320000312
IBAN: GR22 0140 1670 1670 0232 0000 312
PIRAEUS BANK Account No: 5041-063292-458
IBAN: GR30 0172 0410 0050 4106 3292 458
EUROBANK Account No: 0026.0025.48.0200566629
IBAN: GR67 0260 0250 0004 8020 0566 629
b) By credit or debit card
c) Cash up to the amount of 500 €
Tuition fees are paid on the first five days of each month or earlier. If payment is not made in time, there will be a reminder by the Conservatory and if fees are not covered, the student will not be admitted to the courses without further notice. In case of cancellation due to late payment of tuition fees, in order for the student to continue his studies, he is obliged to re-pay the registration fee.
Fees paid are non-refundable. If a student wishes to discontinue his studies at the Conservatory before the end of the academic year, the cancellation shall be considered granted only after the filling of the relevant form of cancellation and submission to the Conservatory Secretariat. A student who has paid the annual tuition fees cash or by credit card and wishes to discontinue courses has the right to credit the balance created from the month following the cancellation until the last month of the school year. The balance is credited to the student account held by the company, so as to enable the student to use it for the purchase of musical instruments, music books, stereo and general products sold by Philippos Nakas S.A.
The school year runs until June 30. In case of discontinuation in the month of June, the Conservatory cannot guarantee the student to continue his studies at the same level as the other students, due to the obviously reduced attendance and incomplete knowledge of the syllabus.
A student enrolled in the classical music department from the previous academic year, regardless of the date of his re-enrollment, has to pay a tuition fee from the month of September.
If the tuition changes due to a change of class, level or teacher, the difference that will occur for the remaining period of study until the end of the school year:
- will be calculated equally on the monthly fees due /or - will be paid by credit card in interest-free installments depending on the time the change was made /or - will be paid in cash at the Conservatory
The exams are mandatory for all students of the Conservatory, regardless of field, class and level of study. Students who are not yet placed in a special level, are also required to take the exams.
The exams are paid in cash or by credit card to the Conservatory at least one week before the exam date. In case of late payment, the student has no right to take the exams.
A receipt is issued for each payment. No other form of certification is applicable for tuition fees.
Tuition fees at the Conservatory (as in all Greek Conservatories, and schools) are annual, and vacation time (i.e. Christmas, Easter) is included in the amount of annual fees. Monthly payments are enacted only in order to facilitate students during their studies. Upon the enrollment the student reserves a certain time in his professor's schedule, and secures his place in the conservatory, therefore studies must not be interrupted and start again according to the student's availability.
The information you will find in the Regulation brochure of Philippos Nakas Conservatory contributes to the harmonious cooperation of students with the administrative and educational staff.
The Artistic Directors of the Conservatory and its branches are interested in the proper implementation of the curriculum, the proper functioning of the classrooms and in each student individually.
Should any issues arise in connection with your studies, you can contact the Secretariat and request an appointment with the Artistic Director of your branch.
When registering, each student is provided by the Secretariat:
a) Regulation booklet
b) Registration Form with financial terms
c) Student card
d) Statement of information and consent for the processing of student's personal data
-Free Musical Instruments to Newly Enrolled Students
-Study scholarships for Berklee College of Music.
-Attending free or discounted seminars and master classes.
-Discounts on all products at Philippos Nakas & NakasPaper stores
-5% discount for first - second degree relatives or 5% discount for large families or
-5% discount on tuition fees for each additional special lesson the student attends.
Discounts by way of tuition fee payment:
-7% rebate upon registration for annual fee payment. The discount is valid for registrants up to November.
-3% discount on credit card repayments in 12 or less interest free monthly installments. The discount is valid for registrants up to November.
The Philippos Nakas Company processes the personal data of students of the Conservatory, as described in detail in the Conservatory Student Information and Consent Declaration for the processing of their Personal Data, which the students have obtained.
The purpose of Student Office is to inform students and their parents of all matters relating to studying at the Conservatory, for competitions, scholarships or study abroad.
Holiday days are those that apply to public schools in Greece, as well as any other designated as such by the Ministry of Culture. Indicative dates:
-October 28
-December 24 - January 6 (Christmas - New Year)
-January 30
-Ash Monday
-March 25
-May 1 - Labor day
-Holy Spirit Day.
The lesson is not replaced when it coincides with a public holiday.
The student must:
-Follow his lessons consistently. A student who is systematically absent will not be eligible to take the exams. If the student exceeds the 8 unjustified absences in a special or compulsory course, he shall be deprived of the right to take the diploma exams.
-Attend compulsory lessons and participate in musical ensembles defined by the special instrument - lesson. Attendance is a prerequisite for the student to score above.
Periods of study > 1st Semester: September 4 - February 15, 2nd Semester: February 15 - June 30. For advanced students, music ensemble registrations are made upon enrollment in the special course. Enrollments for new students can be made no later than November 1st for the 1st semester and no later than March 1st for the 2nd semester.
-Be informed about the examinations for special and compulsory courses.
-Take part in the annual promotional exams, regardless of field of study, class and level. The undergraduate student is also required to take the exams.
-Participate in student concerts, if proposed by his teacher.
-Take care of and respect the conservatory's venues and musical instruments. The founders have made great efforts to ensure the existing quality level in venues and musical instruments and students must maintain them.
-Notify the Secretariat of his absence. The Conservatory and the teachers will make their best to replace individual lessons missed due to the student's justified absences.
-Read the announcements that are on the special board, entrance and classrooms of the Conservatory.
-Attend concerts at the Conservatory. Attending music events is very important and helps gain experience and knowledge.
If a student wishes to discontinue his studies at the Conservatory before the end of the academic year, the cancellation shall be considered granted only after completion of the relevant form and after submission to the Conservatory Secretariat. Discontinuations are posted to the Student Registry on the last business day of each month and are effective from the following month. It is strictly forbidden for the student to take private lessons with conservatory teachers. The student participates in competitions, concerts and other events outside the Conservatory after approval by the Artistic Director. Entrance to the classroom is only permitted to pupils and teachers, except in the case of preschool music systems and special music education systems where the parent's presence is required. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the Conservatory.
The Registration Right confirms the applicant's intention to attend courses at the Philippos Nakas Conservatory and secures a place in the classroom. The registration fee is non-refundable, cannot replace tuition fees and is not transferable to another teaching period.
The fees are annual and are paid as follows:
a) One-time (cash or credit card on one charge) upon enrolling with a 7% discount.
b) By credit card in 12 or less monthly installments with a 3% discount.
The above discounts are valid for registrations up to November.
c) With monthly payment during the first five days of each month.
The fees can be paid
a) by Bank wire transfer into one of the following accounts held by Philippos Nakas SA:
ETHNIKI Account No: 151 / 47034720
IBAN: GR19 0110 1510 0000 1514 7034 720
ALPHA BANK Account No: 167 / 002320000312
IBAN: GR22 0140 1670 1670 0232 0000 312
PIRAEUS BANK Account No: 5041-063292-458
IBAN: GR30 0172 0410 0050 4106 3292 458
EUROBANK Account No: 0026.0025.48.0200566629
IBAN: GR67 0260 0250 0004 8020 0566 629
b) By credit or debit card
c) Cash up to the amount of 500 €
Tuition fees are paid on the first five days of each month or earlier. If payment is not made in time, there will be a reminder by the Conservatory and if fees are not covered, the student will not be admitted to the courses without further notice. In case of cancellation due to late payment of tuition fees, in order for the student to continue his studies, he is obliged to re-pay the registration fee.
Fees paid are non-refundable. If a student wishes to discontinue his studies at the Conservatory before the end of the academic year, the cancellation shall be considered granted only after the filling of the relevant form of cancellation and submission to the Conservatory Secretariat. A student who has paid the annual tuition fees cash or by credit card and wishes to discontinue courses has the right to credit the balance created from the month following the cancellation until the last month of the school year. The balance is credited to the student account held by the company, so as to enable the student to use it for the purchase of musical instruments, music books, stereo and general products sold by Philippos Nakas S.A.
The school year runs until June 30. In case of discontinuation in the month of June, the Conservatory cannot guarantee the student to continue his studies at the same level as the other students, due to the obviously reduced attendance and incomplete knowledge of the syllabus.
A student enrolled in the classical music department from the previous academic year, regardless of the date of his re-enrollment, has to pay a tuition fee from the month of September.
If the tuition changes due to a change of class, level or teacher, the difference that will occur for the remaining period of study until the end of the school year:
- will be calculated equally on the monthly fees due /or - will be paid by credit card in interest-free installments depending on the time the change was made /or - will be paid in cash at the Conservatory
The exams are mandatory for all students of the Conservatory, regardless of field, class and level of study. Students who are not yet placed in a special level, are also required to take the exams.
The exams are paid in cash or by credit card to the Conservatory at least one week before the exam date. In case of late payment, the student has no right to take the exams.
A receipt is issued for each payment. No other form of certification is applicable for tuition fees.
Tuition fees at the Conservatory (as in all Greek Conservatories, and schools) are annual, and vacation time (i.e. Christmas, Easter) is included in the amount of annual fees. Monthly payments are enacted only in order to facilitate students during their studies. Upon the enrollment the student reserves a certain time in his professor's schedule, and secures his place in the conservatory, therefore studies must not be interrupted and start again according to the student's availability.