Series of music training seminars for adults with Despina Matthaiopoulou

Series of music training seminars for adults with Despina Matthaiopoulou

The department consists of a series of training seminars, spread over one year period, designed for musicians, nursery and junior school teachers and in general anyone wishing to be brought up to date with current trends in education and music teaching.
The goal of the Training Course for Music Teachers is to develop the aesthetic, imaginative, and creative skills of the participants. This is enabled through use of music, movement, theatrical games and other arts, equipping them with suitable material and information for their work in the classroom or other groups, within a framework that is both artistic and educational.

With the knowledge they acquire from this course, graduates will be in a position to help children to become well-rounded and creative individuals through the process of artistic expression.

The program analyzes the basic principles of well-known music education systems, such as Orff, Dalcroze, Kodály, Martenot, Paynter, Swanwick, etc. The course is divided into sections and includes games for easy and enjoyable teaching of music to children of preschool and first school age.

The studies are of one-year duration (October - June), and the meetings take place once a month, on a Saturday and last 4 hours (13:00 - 17:00)

Classes are held in the main building of the Conservatory, Ippokratous 41, Athens.


1. Music and movement games

2. Vocal training and song teaching

3. Games and method of teaching rhythm

4. Learning a variety of Orff percussion instruments with group playing, body percussions

5. Games to discover percussion instruments and practice listening memory (dictée)

6. Active listening, audio stories and games to consolidate various musical concepts (crescendo, decrescendo, accelerando, etc.)

7. Improvisation and composition using the voice, percussion instruments and graphic representations

8. Construction of musical instruments from simple recyclable materials

9. Ways of organizing music lessons for preschool and primary school children. Ways of organizing themed music and movement performances (Christmas, summer, etc.)

Detailed notes are given after the completion of each module.

At the end of the cycle, students receive a study certificate.

The program is suitable for teachers and students of primary and secondary education, musicians and music students. No specialized musical knowledge is required.

It is conducted by Despina Matthaiopoulou. The percussion session is conducted by Panagiotis Koliavasilis.

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