Music Ensembles for bouzouki, tzoura, baglama with Th. Polykandriotis
Educational Year 2023-2024

Music Ensembles for bouzouki, tzoura, baglama with Th. Polykandriotis

The music ensembles, under the supervision of Thanasis Polykandriotis and the renowned teachers who support him, are aimed at all students of the Department of Traditional and Folk Music of the Conservatory specializing in the instruments: three-string and four-string bouzouki, tzoura and baglama.

This is a very important seminar-style course with an absolutely practical importance, as students come into contact with other students of various levels forming a small orchestra, immerse themselves in special repertoire and learn how to listen to and accompany the other instruments in the group, while at the same time they enjoy collaboration and co-creation and expand their repertoire.

Music ensembles always provide inspiration and motivation for the student's development and are an essential component for the student to perform well in the final exams. The music ensembles for the year 2023-24 will study and perform works by Mimis Plessas and Yiannis Spanos, paying tribute to the two great composers who left an indelible mark on the history of modern Greek song.

The "Music Ensembles" are held in the Philippos Nakas Concert Hall, once a month, their purpose is -among other- to prepare the students for the exam concert at the end of the term and they are open to the public.

Scheduled meetings of traditional and folk music ensembles:

SATURDAY 18/11/2023
SATURDAY 09/12/2023
SATURDAY 20/01/2024
SATURDAY 10/02/2024
SATURDAY 02/03/2024
SATURDAY 04/13/2024

ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 18/05/2024
ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 08/06/2024

at 12:00 - 14:00 hrs



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