The courses students must attend during their studies,in order to obtain a degree are:
1. Theory of European Music, two (2) years.
2. Theory of Greek Music, two (2) years.
3.a) Tropical or b. Harmonic analysis, two (2) years.
4. Theory of Rhythms/elementary percussion accompaniment one (1) year.
5. Harmonic accompaniment, one (1) year.
6. Byzantine Music, two (2) years.
7. History of Greek Music, one (1) year.
8. Organization, one (1) year.
9. Morphology of Greek Music.
10. Music Ensembles (with Choir, instrumental and mixed Ensembles, Dance, etc.), seven (7) years.
11. Reference instrument, two (2) years.
12. Polyphonic accompaniment instrument, one (1) year
13. Pedagogy training, one (1) year.